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Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report


River Flow Table

Beaverkill - 941 cfs.

Wilowemoc - 569cfs.

Upper East Branch -284 cfs

Lower East Branch - 1450 cfs.

West Branch - 503 cfs.

Main Stem - 3570 cfs.

This morning we woke to a bright sunny day in the Upper Delaware.

All Upper Delaware Rivers except the Upper East Branch and West Branch are running high. With fairly normal spring conditions. All Upper Delaware waters are still colder than their historical average for today's date. The fishing remains slow overall but we have been taking some impressive trout through persistence and targeting the correct places.

Yesterday was a good BUG day. The rivers continue to pump out more bugs each day and in some areas the Blue Quills and Quill Gordons are emerging in solid numbers. Today and tomorrow we are forecast for warm sunny days. The bright sunshine combined with the decent hatches should bring us our first fishable hatches in the coming days!

All of our guides are out today so we should get a very good idea on what is happening over large sections of several rivers. I will detail this in the coming days.

Currently conditions are still good for fising from boat or on foot. For wade anglers the Upper East and Upper West branches have the best wading opportunity at the current flows. These rivers also have the most reliable insect activity at this time. The East is too low for drift boats and the West is getting marginal for floating.

There are Stoneflies, Midges, Smalle Caddis, Blue Quills and Quill Gordons on the water. All of these insects are emerging in higher numbers each day. At this time several sections of river are pumping out enough bugs to draw attention. Some warm water is all that is needed for the river environment to switch gears. Hendricksone and Apple Caddis should start to show up soon.

Today's Upper Delaware Fly Selection

Blue Quill CDC Duns, Quill Gordon Cripples, Hendrickson Knock Down Duns, Red Quill Cripples, Elk Over CDC Caddis, X Caddis, Peacock Klinkhammers

BH Copper Johns, BH Pheasant Tails, Ice Caddis, KT Pupas, BH Stoneflies, Flash Back Pheasant Tails, Cased Caddis

Small Zonkers, BH Wooly Buggers , Sculpins, Bottom Wigglers, Muddlers, Small Atriculated Flies

Streamers of 3" or less will be most effective at this time.


Both the Beaverkill and Willow are very high. Both are cold with some color in the deeper pools. The Willow has more fishable water at this time. Both have had their first stocking from the state and most anglers are doing very well on Nymphs and Streamers.

In a few days both should be low enough for some sustained surface feeding to be possible. Currently there are sporadic risers here and there. If you are specifically looking for surface activity the best places will be the areas of slower water that historically hold lots of fish. A good starting point and a good reference is to check Hazel Bridge and Cairns Pool. If there is rising activity there then most similar pools should offer you action.


The Upper East is currently the most wader friendly stretch of water at this time. There are the beginnings of decent Mayfly activity and sporadic rising activity. This section of river is on the verge of being good.

The last few days despite the lousy weather and snow squlls Quill Gordons have been emerging well!

The streamer fishing is decent but you have to be persistent and work the water. The Trout are still cold. The later portion of the day has been best.

The Lower East is in the same boat as the Beaverkill and WIllow. High water, some light turbidity and cold temperatures. At this time the lower east is a lot of water to find a few active fish.

We are putting 2 boats on this section today so expect a more detailed report to come.


We had boats on the West recently. Both Sam and Zach fished different sections with about the same results. Slow fishing. The West is also cold but the water level is at a nice level for either boats or wade anglers.

The West has some sporadic activity with Caddis, Blue Quills and Quill Gordons. There are risers at times and anglers looking for top water action should seek out the slower protected sections of river. This river is also about to pop. Anglers can expect to hear reports of good fishing here any day now.


The Main Stem is still very high and cold. Some tributaries are bringing in very minor levels of turbidity at times. The flows are now getting to decent fishable levels. I expect to start finding some surface activity in the slower pools and pool tailouts in the next few days.

The insects are the same as the other rivers.

We have some openings this coming weekend and next week for float trips. Currently we are doing a mix of streamer, nymph and dry fly fishing. If you would like to get out give us a call in the fly shop. 607-290-4022.

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