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Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report


The Upper Delaware rivers continue to fish well at low water conditions. Anglers fishing the area who practice catch and release fishing should be aware of water temperatures at this time. The Lower Main Stem, Lower East Branch and Lower Beaverkill are now in temperature sensitive ranges. In late afternoon all are at or near 70 degrees. Anglers should fish early in the day in these areas.

The Willowemoc, Beaverkill Upper East Branch and West Branch have good temperatures at this time. Anglers should choose these stretches of river for their late day fishing.

Currently out top choice for fising the Upper Delaware region is the waters of the Beaverkill and Willowemoc. They are the only rivers that are at levels where they historically fish well.

The current heatwave is expected to lessen a bit today and tomorrow before breaking to more seasonable weather Tuesday. There is some Rainfall expected with the changing weather as well. River conditions should rebound quickly once we return to overnight temperatures in the 40's

Below are some photos from yesterday

jerry L bow.jpg


Jerry L bow 2.jpg

River Flow Table

Beaverkill - 267 cfs.

Wilowemoc - 169cfs.

Upper East Branch -84 cfs

Lower East Branch - 521 cfs.

West Branch -243 cfs.

Main Stem -1220 cfs.

Our fly shop is now open daily. We are fully stocked with the essentials and the best local fly patterns in the area. If you are planning to fish and want to get the scoop on what's happening on all area rivers, stop in. Our guides will be in and around the shop from 8:30 am until they leave for their trips. You can pick their brains on the latest hatches, techniques and locations. Our staff will be available to you on a daily basis from now through the end of June

Currently there are Hendrickson's emerging from all Upper Delaware Rivers. There is good spinner activity every night. Blue Quills, Apple Caddis, Stoneflies and some March Browns are also on the water at times.

Today's Upper Delaware Fly Selection

Blue Quill CDC Duns, Quill Gordon Cripples, Hendrickson Knock Down Duns, Hendrickson Cripples, Red Quill Cripples, Elk Over CDC Caddis, X Caddis, Peacock Klinkhammers, Apple Caddis, March Brown Duns, March Brown Cripples

BH Copper Johns, BH Pheasant Tails, Ice Caddis, KT Pupas, BH Stoneflies, Flash Back Pheasant Tails, Cased Caddis

Small Zonkers, BH Wooly Buggers , Sculpins, Bottom Wigglers, Muddlers, Small Atriculated Flies

Streamers of 3" or less will be most effective at this time.


Both the Beaverkill and Willow are fishing well under normal spring conditions. . Both rivers have excellent wading access at this time and there is very little angler pressure on these waters. At this time the Beaverkill and WIlloemoc are the only rivers in the system that are at very nice fishing levels. The current flow rates are where these rivers fish best.

Hendricksons and Apple Caddis are emerging well and there is good spinner activity late in the day. Yesterday the dry fly action was great over most of the river.

Anglers are finding some real nice rainbows and browns at this time.

Anglers should nymph early and start looking for risers in mid afternoon.


The East is very low through it's entire length. There is good dry fly action with Hendricksons.

Spinners are falling daily. The lower river is now thick with Apple Caddis.

Fish are getting tough to approach with the very low flows. The East is living up to it's reputation as being a tough dry fly river.

The lower east is very low and temperature challenged at this time. I only recommend fishing early in the day until some rainfall occurs.


The West is also very low. The insect activity is very good and this river should be bug soup for the next month. Anglers will easily find rising fish at this time.

Angler activity will also be at it's peak over the next month and with the greatly reduced amount of water the Trout are in for a beating. This river really needs some rainfall or an increased release from Cannonsville.


With the low water the Main Stem is now handling all of the drift boat anglers over a much reduced area of river. The Upper River is a daily parade of drift boats especially on the Buckingham stretch.

At this time the Main Stem is in a temperature sensitive condition over most of it's length. The very low water is heating up quickly. Anglers should fish early in the day and move their late day fishing to the tailwaters or the Beaverkill or Willowemoc.

Currently the Main has about the same water conditions as you would see in mid August.

With the warm water on the Main anglers will now find a big increase in the activity of Smallmouth Bass. If you are fishing the lower river these game fish would be a better target than trout at this time.

Shad are also in the river in decent numbers. If you enjoy fishing for shad now would be a good time to target them.

As soon as some rtainfall and cooler weather arrives the Main should return to normal spring conditions.

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