Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report

All Upper Delaware Rivers still have above average flows for summer time.. There are very good trout fishing conditions throughout the entire river system. Last night another round of heavy thunderstorms moved slowly through the region. There was some heavy localized rainfall which has some sections of river on the rise again.
There is also a heavy release out of Cannonsville Reservoir at this time. This release is due to some work being done there and it may be around for a while. Currently the plan is to run a 1500cfs release while repairs are done. The projections are that the current rate of release will empty the reservoir sometime in late September. The current projection is that there will only be enough cold water to sustain the cold temperatures until sometime in late August. Hopefully the repairs will go smoothly and the rainfall will continue on a regular basis.
The current heavy release is creating a boom of exceptional dry fly fishing. We have had guests out every day and we have not had a bad day in a long while. There are abundant insects from mid day onward and the Trout are feeding whenever bugs are present!
Over the last few weeks our guests have been doing great.Most every night has offered solid sport with the dry fly. The time right at dark has been frenzied action and this has been when the 20+ inchers have been coming to net.
Here is a nice Delaware Wild Rainbow that was caught in mid afternoon on one of our Hackle Wing Spinners.

Right now we are having about the best fishing of the season! I have been out every day and recently the action has been pretty fast and furious. Both the Streamer and Dry Fly fishing is very good. There are lots of insects and the trout have been feeding well.
July is not typically a busy month for us so we have some openings if you were unable to get a date with us during the prime spring fishing period. This coming week we have several opening for both full and half day float trips. Give us a call today at 607-290-4022
Current River Flow Table
Beaverkill 253 cfs.
Wilowemoc - 189 cfs.
Upper East Branch -536 cfs
Lower East Branch -1140 cfs.
West Branch -1690 cfs.
Main Stem -3190 cfs.
The Rivers
The System in general is fishing good. Currently anglers can find what they are looking for. If you want to fish for numbers the Beaverkill and WIllowemoc are very wadable and nyphing during the mid day hours will get you plenty of action. Keep your nymphs small and high stich the pockets and riffles.
The best daytime dry fly action is now occurring on the Upper East, Upper West and Main Stem Delaware. All of these rivers are getting daytime Sulfur and Olive activity but on bright sunny days the rising is sporadic at best. The cloudy days have been world class!
The last few hours and especially right at dark have been frenzied in Most places. The phenomenon of going from a sparse hatch to having the water totally coverd with insects has been happening every night right at dark. Almost every day we are hooking a few giant trout right at this time. The Main Stem has been great right at this time.
Anglers Tip - Right now there is plenty of action in the fast water. The Big Trout like the ones that are shown in the photos I post every day are currently not coming from this water. We are finding the big boys cruising the slow deep pools sipping gently as they move along. Many of the big ones lately have come out of the pool tailout where many dismiss the rises as non target species.
Currently there are Yellow Drakes, Olives, Isonychia, Steno's, Sulfurs, Hebes, Stoneflies, Caddisflies and more emerging from all Upper Delaware Rivers. There is good spinner activity most nights. Anglers should now target the areas around the faster riffles and pocket water. Most of the insects that are emerging now are fast water dwellers and all of the late day spinner activity will happen in these same areas.
The Sulfurs and Olives are now the Main Staple in the Trout's diet. The larger insects are only on the water at times and rarely in large numbers The best action with the larger insects is on Rainy Days and right at or after dark.
Today's Upper Delaware Fly Selection- Isonychia Cripples, Isonychia Duns, Olives,Olive Knock Down Duns, Sulfur Knock Down Duns, Baxter House Hackle Wing Spinners, Iso Spinner, Hackle WIng Rusty Spinners, Sulfurs,Sulfur Cripples, Elk Over CDC Caddis, X Caddis, Peacock Klinkhammers BH Copper Johns, BH Pheasant Tails, Ice Caddis, KT Pupas, BH Stoneflies, Flash Back Pheasant Tails, Cased Caddis Small Zonkers, BH Wooly Buggers , Sculpins, Bottom Wigglers, Muddlers, Small Articulated Flies, Streamers of 3" or less will be most effective at this time.
The Smallmouth Bass action is now heating up in the Main Stem Delaware. We have been taking some nice Bass recently. Most of the larger bass have come on Woolly Buggers and small Atriculated Sculpin type patterns. We are now booking both full and half day floats for Smallies. The nice smallie took a 4" woolly buggers fished in a slow eddy.
We are now taking reservations for Guided Smallmout Bass and Evening Hatch Trout trips. The Bass trips are full or half day. This year we are also offering evening smallie trips that will focus on taking smallies on the DRY FLY and on POPPERS.
The Trout trips are are still full or half day. Our half day trips are at dawn which is a combo of Streamer and Dry Fly or in the evening which is one of our most popular trips. Our guides have been doing these evening trips for over 15 years. They are experts at choosing the best sections of river on any given day. These trips put you on the water from 5:00pm until dark and offer you the best dry fly action of the day. Give us a call today to book your next fishing adventure at 607-290-4022