Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report
Right now we have mid Summer Fishing conditions on all Upper Delaware Rivers.
The Beaverkill, Willowemoc, Lower East Branch and Lower Main Stem are all low and at marginal water temperatures for Trout fishing.
The Upper East Branch, West Branch and Upper Main Stem are cold from the reservoir releases and fishing well.
At this time Baxter House is offering both full and half day guided float trips for both Trout and Smallmouth Bass / Walleye. My top choice for this time is still the West Branch and Upper Main Stem Delware. The release has these waters in the correct temperature range for both insects and Trout. I have been on the water daily here and there is dry fly activity just about all day long.
Below is a nice Rainbow taken yesterday on a Sulfur Cripple

Anglers planning to fish in the coming days will find reliable hatches of Sulfurs, Blue Wing Olives, Cahills, Isonychia, White Fly, Caddisflies and Midges. This week we also had our first really huge flight of flying ants. These insects were in the air by the millions Sunday and they were on the water in some places.
The best activity is towards darlk but there are steady risers to keep you busy throughout the day. Anglers planning to fish the Upper West Branch will find good activity from around 1:00pm through dark. The Trout are fussy and real difficult to fool at this time but there is lots of action.
We have been taking most of our Trout on Sulfur Cripples, Blue WIng Olive Knockdown Duns, Hackle Wing Spinners and MIdge Patterns. Most of these insects patterns are size #16 through #20. These type patterns are best fished on a 15+ foot leader tapered down to 5X or 6X.
Now is the time of year where you have to be patiens and really work a fish to finally fool him.
The Smallmouth Bass action is in high gear on the Main Stem Delaware. Right now you can have good success throughout the day. Now is also a great time to fish the late day and target smallies on the Surface with either Mayfly imitations or popper flies.
Our freestone rivers, the Beaverkill, WIllowemoc, Lower East and Main Stem are a bit warm for catch and release trout fishing. Anglers should fish very early morning or avoid these rivers until some rainfall and cooler weather improves the conditions.