Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report
Fall is in the Air!
Over the last few days our weather has taken a major change to the cool side. The last few nights have been in the 40"s and the days are mush cooler.
At this time all of the Upper Delaware rivers have cool enough water temperatures for Trout Fishing.
Throughout most of the region the rivers levels are still low but the fishing has started to improve. Our guides have been busy and we are back to having lots of options for where we can float our guests every day.
Over the last few days I have had my guests on the Main Stem. We have had steady action all day long. Currently we are fishing the river and taking advantage of the conditions. My guests have been nymphing the Riffles and Pocket Water and casting the Dry FLy whenever the Trout are up. We have also been working the pools and slow runs for Smalmouth Bass and Walleye on the same river sections.
The action has been great. Over the last few days I have spent a lot of time with the net in my hand. Below are some shots from the last few days.

Anglers planning on fishing in the coming days should be prepared to fish both nymphs and dry flies. Currently the nymph fishing is picking up. My guests have had pretty steady action in the riffs. We are currently indicator nymphing using both high stick and long line techniques. The Dry Dropper metody also has the potential to really be effective in the current low water conditions. Our best action in recent days has come on BH nymph and my Caddis and Isonychia nymphs.
As the days continue to get shorter nymphing will really pick up. Each fall there is always a period of time where you can really run the numbers up with sub surface patterns.
The Dry Fly action is still pretty good. There is consistent action on the East and West Branches. On the Freestones the action is mostly towards dark. The only exception to this has been when flying ants are about and in the last few days whenever the sun gets warm these insects have been swarming. Yesterday as soon as the sun came out the air filled with thousands of these creatures. When they are on the water the trout have been feeding steadily. The Flying Ants have been mostly black and varied in size. I have seen from about a #14 down to tiny. A #16 or #18 should do the trick in most instances.
Isonychia are now getting more abundant. Yesterday they emerged steadily from the Main Stem. There are also Olives, Sulfurs, Cahills, Yellow Drakes, Caddisflies and Midges. The Best action will continue to be towards dark until we start getting some frosts. Right around that time the daytime olive action will shift into high gear.
For those of you who like to chase Smallmouth Bass now is the time for the bigger fish. The cooling water has already pushed to average size of the smallies we are taking up substantially. Over the last few days we are taking a lot of 15" to 18" bass. Walleyes have also started to get more active in daylight hours. Every recent trip has yielded a few of these tasty creatures.
If you want to get a trips with us this fall now is the time to make your plans, Give us a call today to plan your next Upper Delaware Fishng Trip. 607-290-4022