Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report
Guide Reports
Currently all of our Upper Delaware and Catskill Rivers are in great shape. The very cool nights and recent rainfall have the Trout , Insects and rivers in a great place.
There are perfect conditions for taking trout with all fly fishing methods at this time. Recently our guests have been taking lots of Big Brown and Rainbow Trout on Dries, Nymphs and Streamers.
The Baxter House Guide Staff is very busy now and we are covering large portions of the river system daily. Below is a brief summary of what is going on. ANglers planning to fish in this spring should remember that our guide staff is in the fly shop most every morning between 8:00 am and when they leave for their trips. (around 11:00 am). They are available to talk fishing and let you know the specifics on whats happening around the system.
Over the last few days guide Rich Hudgens has been flipping between the East Branch and Main Stem. Rich has been timing his trips well and his guests are having fine action on Nymph rigs and on dry flies. RIch is reporting decent action in the faster water on nymphs whenever the sun is out. He has also found a pick of rising trout throughout the day with fast action between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. The photos below are from Rich's trip on Tuesday.

Guide Zach Anderson has been on the East most days. Zach has been his guests on a lot of nice Trout with a mix of techniques. His most productive method recently has been covering the prime holding water with our March Brown Cripple Patterns. The Trout are really looking up at this time. Zach has also been taking a few guests out for late nigh Streamer and Mouse fishing. This action is decent but not quite explosive like it will be in a few more weeks.
Guide Chris Calabrese has been up on the West Branch and the Upper Main Stem. Chris has been finding surface feeding trout throughout the day. There are Hendricksons, Blue Quills, March Browns, Cadisfies and spinners on the water. Chris has also been walk wading the Beaverkill and finding nice action on dries and nymphs. The Beamoc water are now entering the time period where they always fish the best.
Our guides have some dates still open in May if you want to get out for a float trip. Give us a call today