Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report

The Green Drakes are now pouring from the water in most all of the Upper Delaware rivers. There is now Excellent activity in the Beaverkill, Upper East Branch, West Branch and Main Stem.
The last few nights the water has been blanketed with Coffin Fly Spinners at dark. Our guides have been keeping our guests our late. Last night I did not get back until around 11:00 pm but it was worth it as every fish in the river was up gorging on the giant insects. WE had lots of nice Trout including a Rainbow and Brown that were just under 20"
This action should be reliable and heavy for about a week or so. The Trout will be suckers for a big Coffin Fly for several weeks. Now is the time to tie on a big Fly and hang on!
We got a bit of an increase in releases on Friday and we are scheduled for another release increase on Wednesday the first of June. WE should get around 500 cfs. on the West and about 200 cfs. from the East Branch. These releases will be a big improvement over the water we have now. We still need rain and a lot of it.