Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report
Bug week is upon us! This week has always been one of the most popular times in the Upper Delaware Region due to the diversity of insects and the action associated with the Big Green and Brown Drakes and their Spinners.

This action is in full swing right now but most anglers are having mixed results. The low water conditions and the first heatwave of 2016 have the insects and Trout switched to mostly nocturnal activity. The amount of insects and rising fish just after total darkness is astounding. The last three nights the waters surface has been totally covered with Coffinflies.
There should be a switch back to some daytime dry fly activity as soon as the Invaria Sulfur hatch becomes more reliable on the tailwaters. This usually happens during the first or second week of June so the wait should be a short one.
The current weather and low water has forced our guide staff to be creative but as usual we are hitting our spots at the correct times.
Today the release on the West Branch has been increased from 381 cfs. to 500 cfs. This increase is a much needed refresh for the Upper Main Stem. The flow on the Upper East was also increased a small amount. This is a positive but the amount is not enough to change the conditions in any noticeable way.
Right now we are mixing it up. We are currently getting our guests out very early for morning Cornuta and nymph fishing. This fishing has been mostly on the Willowemoc and Beaverkill. The Brown below was taken on the Willowemoc

Both Guide RIch Hudgens and Zach Anderson have been taking the hot portion of the day and doing short floats for both Smallmouth Bass and Walleye.

All of our guide staff have been heading back out for the evening hatch and spinner fall and fishing well into darkness. This period we are specifically targeting the Drake activity and the results have been excellent.
We have some openings in the next two weeks if you want to get in on the Big Bug action.
Anglers planning to fish in the coming days should stop by the shop in the mornings to get the most upt to date river information directly from our guides.