Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report
Sorry for being a day late with my weekend outlook. We had several large groups going out Friday morning and I could not get to the report.
Here are some shots from yesterday. All of our guests had great action!. We are now having success with both Nymphs and Dry Flies.

Right now conditions are excellent throughout the Upper Delaware System. The recent rainfall and cold weather have about every section of river in the correct temperature range for both Trout and Insects. This is also great news in the fact that anglers can now spread out and fish all of their favorite beats rather than crowd into the Upper East and Upper West branches.
Anglers fishing this weekend will find good afternoon action with Invaria and Vitreus Sulfurs on the tailwaters. The evenings are a buffet of insects with the most prominent being Dorthea Sulfurs, Isonychia, Cahills, Caddisflies and a variety of different size spinners. This action is very good on all of our local rivers.
Now is an excellent time to pound the water with big Isonychia patterns during the non hatch periods.
Over the last few days the nymphing has also been great on the freestone rivers. Our guides had guests out on every section of river yesterday and the nymphing was pretty easy. Throughout the day our guests had steady bent rods. We have been rigging with our usual 3 fly rigs fished under floats. Copper Johns, Ice Pupas,Pheasant Tails and Isonychia Nymphs have been taking the fish. The most consistent action has been on the smaller offerings with most fish coming on #16 Pheasant Tails or Ice Pupas.
These flies will continue to produce in the coming days.
On the surface our guides have been focusing on the Knock Down Duns, Hackle Cripples and Hackle Wing Spinners. These three pattern types always work even on the slow glassy pools. Anglers should always be aware that these patterns will work best whenever Mayflies are on the water.
Under the current conditions anglers planning to fish in the coming days should take advantage of the cooler weather and fish their favorite beats before warm weather returns.
I just had a few days open up on my Calendar that had previously been booked. I now have available Tue. 6/14, Thurs. 6/16, Fri. 6/24 and Thurs. 6/30. If you would like to take one of these dates give us a call in the shop. There are also a few other openings with our guide staff spread throughout the remainder of the month.