Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report
Good Summer Fishing

It has been a while since my last report. I simply have not had the time. Over the last week Baxter House has been crazy. I have been doubling up with my mornings on the Main Stem for Bass and Walleye and my afternoons on the West Branch chasing fussy Trout.

In this same time period we were putting out 5 boats a day with the Project Healing Waters Program. We are proud to Join the DeBruce Fly Fishing Club and the Catskill Fly Fishing Museum in hosting our veterans for a few days of fishing on the Delaware.

Currently we have fairly normal summertime fishing conditions across the region. This means that Trout fishing is pretty limited to the Upper East Branch and Upper West Branch. These rivers have the Ice Cold water release from the reservoirs and decent insect activity.
The warm water fishing on the Delaware is just entering high gear. Over the next 2 months the Smallmouth Bass action will be superb. Our guides are currently targeting these game fish with both Fly Fishing Tackle and Ultra Light Spin tackle.
The photos are from this weeks action.

I should be able to get back to putting up regular reports every few days now. All of the fly fishermen can look forward to some much more specific reporting on stream locations and insect hatches in my coming posts.