Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report

We are now at about the midway point of summer. So far this summer has been a real summer with little rain high daytime air temps and some serious humidity at times.
This weekend however the forecast is for the current heatwave to break a bit. There is a chance of rainfall today and tomorrow and temperatures are expected to drop a bit. The daytime highs over the next few days are expected to be in the mid 70's rater than around 90.
This type of forecast could stimulate some good fishing especially if there are extended periods of overcast skies.
Currently the fly fishing for trout remains limited to the Upper East and West Branches due to low water and high water temperatures everywhere else.
The Trout fishing at this time can be best described as very challenging and technical. Mid summer is the time for smaller flies and perfect casts. Anglers also have to be excellent at rigging since long and fine leaders are a must with the smaller flies.
To be successful at this time flies both surface and subsurface should be small #16 and smaller but the magic size is probably #20. Small Olives, Midges and Terrestrials are working best.
The Smallmouth Bass fishing is now excellent.

The heatwave of July has the Main Stem way up in temperature and these fish are now in high gear. All of our recent guide trips have been non stop action. Yesterday I had a half day trip where it seemed like I was netting a fish every few minutes. At this time there are a lot of small fish but targeting the deeper water and larger rocky areas have been yielding a lot of 15" fish.

At this time your flies or lures should be smaller versus larger especially early in the day (2" to 2.5"). Bright colors are working best on most days. I always try either Yellow , Orange or Florescent Pink before moving to the more traditional colors like Olive , Black Or Brown. If they are on the Bright colors the action is going to be fast and furious. On yesterday's trip Bright yellow kept the rods bent all day long.
Summer is family fun time and our guides will be offering Smallmouth Trips through the end of August. We are also offering both full and half day Fly Fishing Trips for Trout. You can give us a call today to plan your next fishing adventure 607-290-4022