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Upper DelaWare Fly Fishing Report


PLEASE NOTE- This will be my last fishing report until Monday 9/19/16 I am heading out for 5 days of fishing the tailwaters in Tennessee. Our guide staff will be available for Upper Delaware trips as usual. There are a few openings available in the coming days. I do not expect the fishing to change much from my current report during my time away..



The conditions for trout fishing in the Upper Delaware region are improving rapidly. Over the last few days there is autumn in the air. I am already seeing some color in the trees along the rivers and our nights have been brisk.

These weather conditions combined with the 1000+ cfs. release from Cannonsville Reservoir have our Trout on the feed.

Over the past weekend all of our guests have had excellent trips. Both Trout and Bass fishing are possible but the hot action has been nymphing for trout. Over the last few trips our guests have been running up the numbers on nymph rigs. Over my last few trips we have had lots of big mature wild rainbows come to net.

Yesterday was another great day. We had great action on nymphs and we also took a few big rainbows on Isonychia dry flies. WIth the cooler weather and cold water I took a lot of photos yesterday. You can check them out on our facebook page (Baxter House River Outfitters)

I expect the really hot action to continue for another week or two before it slows a bit to the normal but very reliable action that we enjoy every fall.

If you want to get out and enjoy the great action give us a call we have some openings this week and for the coming weekend.

At this time anglers will find all of our Upper Delaware Rivers to have improved fishing. If you get out remember that this summer there was little rainfall and the trout are not spread out. For success you will need to move around and target the fast water that is adjacent to the deeper pools. This is where the trout are at this time.

Anglers will now find great nymph action and the patterns that will work are numerous. The trout are hungry after a sparse summer and they are looking to eat. Overall we have been having the best action with small nymphs in the #16 and #18 sizes. Our fly shop is fully stocked with a great inventory of nymphs that our guides use every day.

Currently Ice Pupas, Pheasant tails, BH Pheaseant Tails, Copper Johns and BH Soft Hackles are what we have been using. The Ice Pupas and Small Pheasant tails are HOT!

On the surface Isonychia patterns are the ticket if you are fishing the freestone rivers. Over my last 2 weeks these insects have been on the water at about every time of day. Every time we float through fast water there is an increase in all insect activity while the pools remain pretty dead until late day. Almost every Trout that we have taken recently has come on my Iso Cripple patterns which are very oversized and easy to see in the fast water. We have plenty of these flies in stock.

If you are planning to fish the West Branch in the coming days please note that the heavier release has this river off color with a increase of algae in the drift. Insect activity here has also been spotty. THe best action at this time is not on the tailwaters.

Give us a call to book your next Delaware River Fly FIshing Trip today 607-290-4022

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