Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report
This weekend anglers can expect to find pretty good fishing in some places. All of our guide trips have been very good recently but we are targeting specific river section to be successful. Here are the specifics.
Currently the Freestone Rivers, Beaverkill, Willowemoc and Lower East Branch are in poor condition. They are very low in most places and the current is barely moving. We do not recommend fishing here until some substantial rainfall occurs.
Our guides are now targeting the West Branch and Main Stem Delaware. This is where the water is and the action is very good. Anglers planning to fish here will find a very turbid release from Cannonsville Reservoir. This is a normal occurrence whenever the reservoir gets down around 50% of capacity. This turbidity is something that our staff always looks forward to in the autumn as it really turns on the streamer bite. Currently our guests are killing it on streamers and we have lots of 20"+ trout coming to net.
Below are a few shots from this week.

The turbidity from the release on the West Branch is extending quite a way down the Main Stem Delaware. The level of turbidity is not bad and it is making fishing easier in most places.
The nymph action on the Main Stem Delaware is still good. we have been taking lots of Wild Rainbows on our nymph rigs. Currently the water temps. are in a good place for these fish to be active and aggressive. We have had a lot of bows running straight to the backing .

The Dry Fly action is not much different than my last report. There is not much more than sporadic activity that comes in bursts. I will note however that yesterday there was a big increase in overall bugginess. I was seeing insects that I associate with the start of the reliable hatches that come every fall. This could be the start of something but it will only continue if our nights remain cold.
Anglers should have. Isonychia, Cahills, Olives, Sulfurs, Midges, Flying Ants, and other Terrestrials. Blind fishing the Iso is still a decent plan. If you are heading out stop by the shop we have the best custom fly patterns for the autumn season.
It is also worth mentioning that the Smallmouth Bass action is still good. At this time some really big ones are coming to net. There are also a lot of small Striped Bass about. This summer I have seen more of these 12" to 15" Bass than ever before.

This coming week we have several options for our guests. We are offering STREAMER TRIPS in the turbid water for BIG BROWNS and we are Floating the Delaware with combination Nymph and Dry Fly for Browns and Bows. NOw is the time to fish if you want to see some hot streamer action.
We are also taking advance bookings for salt water fishing for Snook, Redfish, Tarpon and Speckled Trout.
Call us today at 607-290-4022