Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report
The Upper Delaware region has been getting a blast of Indian Summer for the last week. There were several days this week where it felt like mid summer on the river. This is about to end as we are forecast to return to more seasonal weather tonight.
The next few days are forecast for overcast skies with light rainfall. The air temperatures are expected to return to daytime highs in the mid 40's. this is great news and hopefully we can return to dry fly action for the better part of each day.
The heavy releases from last week were cut back over the last few days to the point where the West Branch just below the dam was around 100 cfs. Today there is a planned ramped increase in the flow. It should go up about 100 cfs an hour until it settles around 800 cfs. in late afternoon. The flow should remain there for the weekend.
There is still good action with Streamers, Nymphs and Dry Flies if you know the sections to target. The main consideration at this time is the Yo-yo effect of the recent water management. Anglers will need to target only the places that would have had water at extreme low water conditions. This is very hard to envision when a release is ongoing but there has been more time recently where the trout have been confined to the river channels and deep pools than spread out. The deepest pools currently are holding the most fish.
Blue Wing Olives are now the most abundant insect on the water along with midges. We are almost exclusively using BWO Cripples and Knock Down Duns at this time. # 18 has been the size I have been starting with and I have not had any problems getting solid takes. OUr guides are also rigging 15+ ft. leaders tapered to 6X at this time. In most instances this setup is right to achieve a natural float and hold the bigger Delaware Browns and Bows.
Below is my favorite surface fly for this time of year, BWO Knock Down Dun

We have also been doing well on streamers. The best action is when the releases are heavy and the turbidity in the water increases. Overall the action has been fast and furious when the release are over 1000 cfs. the action slows down considerably when the flow and turbidity is reduced. At the current flow expected this weekend 750 cfs to 800 cfs. you will have to be persistent and put your casts in. With that said this method is still a sure way to put the larger trout on your line.
Over the last week my best patterns have been #2 BH Woolly Buggers. The best pattern has been one which we have custom tied very sparse. The best color has been Black with oversized Yellow Grizzly Hackle.
We have also been having some super hot action with 4.5" to 5.5" articulated baitfish. I have included a pair of photos. These are the exact patterns that I have been using lately. The best color combination is Grey and White and Olive and Tan. We have plenty of these custom patterns available in the shop and online.

We will continue to offer float trips in the Upper Delaware until about November 15. In the coming weeks we should continue to see some amazing surface feeding activity. Give us a call today to get another trips in before we head into winter.
I am also taking bookings for Flats ans Back Country Fly Fishing in the Tampa Bay and Sarasota Bay areas. This area offer excellent winter fishing for Snook, Redfish, Sea Trout, Tarpon and more. I am offering both full and half day trips. Trips can be strictly fly fishing or light spin tackle.
call us today to book your next fishing adventure 607-290-4022