Tampa Bay Fly Fishing Report

Over the last few days the very reliable fishing has continued. My last few trips have gone great with a variety of fish being caught on both Fly Rods and light tackle.
We have been having great action during the periods just before and after the low tides. We have been hitting the potholes and finding good amounts of Big Trout and Redfish. Yesterday we also had a few periods where we had big reds tailing in super shallow water.
The water around the bay remains in the upper 60's and there is plenty of bait on the flats. For as long as conditions remain steady we will have lots of options for what type of fish we target.
We took advantage the option of great conditions and lots of fish to target yesterday afternoon. After a productive morning on the flats we slipped outside along the beaches and found some Jacks and bluefish that were willing to attack streamer flies.
Below are some photos from the last week around the bay and some Trout from yesterday