Fly Fishing Report for the Upper Delaware and Catskill Rivers

Over the last 48 hours water temperatures have made some upward movement. All of our rivers are now from 46 to 50 degrees this morning. The warmest waters are in the Beaverkill and on the lower Main Stem. The Upper East is the coldest.
The dry fly fishing is right on the verge of popping. We should see far more fish getting involved with surface feeding in the coming days. There are no big numbers of any one insect species but with several species on the water together there is enough to keep them interested. When the fish are rising I have been using Hendrickson Duns, Hendrickson Knock Downs and Hendrickson Cripples with good results. .If you find a fussy fish a quick drop in size to the smaller Blue Quill pattern usually does the trick. All of these patterns are either CDC or Hackle winged patterns.
The streamer bite has improved in the last 2 days as well. With the bright sun on Monday I noticed the Trout activity increasing as the day went on. Yesterday our guides found the Trout to be awake and aggressive towards their streamers. We have also noticed a shift in the locations where the trout are holding. The fish are slowly spreading out. Yesterday was the first day where we started to find some fish in the riffles as well as in the pools and tailouts.
Right now the larger trout will be ruling the river until they get their fill. 6" Baitfish are the way to go for the next 2 weeks or so. Once these bigger fish get going they will be very active with their feeding. Territorial and annoyance strikes are also a big part of the early season. This is why the larger flies usually produce well.
If you are planning to get out on the water stop by the shop. We have a great selection of quality Dry Flies that get it done. Our custom streamer bins are ful as well. If you are in the market we also just had an order of MYSTIC FLY RODS come in. Stop by and check them out and cast one on the lawn. The Mystic M-Series rod is one incredible rod for dry fly fishing.
We have some openings if your want to get out for a float trip. Give us a call today 607-290-4022