Fly Fishing Report for the Upper Delaware and Catskill Rivers
Late June Action

Over the last few days our local rivers has risen quite a bit from thunder storms passing through the region. This morning many of our river sections have water far higher in flow than what is normal for the date.
Most notably are the Main Stem and Beamoc System. The Beaverkill always rises up quickly due to the large amount of tributaries. It also falls very quickly. The Main Delaware is up simply due to the fact that all water in the system ends up there.
BY this morning all of our rivers are clear of turbidity and fishing well at above normal June flows.
Over the last few days the fishing in the Upper Delaware definitely made the transition from the fast action of spring over to the more laid back reliable fishing we associate with summer.
At this time Sulfurs and Mostly smaller insects will dominate the hatches. Currently the only larger insects are Isonychia and Cahills which will now emerge sporadically through the summer. This activity is mostly late day.
The best dry fly action at this time is both early and late day. Mornings have action with mixed spinners and before long we should see some Tricos. Afternoons have sulfur hatches but this is limited to certain sections of the Upper East and Upper West Branches. Near dark is still a buffet of insects. This action is mixed with large and small sulfurs, Isonychia, Cahills, Caddisflies and more.
Our guided trips have still been killing it. Right now our guides are mixing it up. We are still fishing Streamers, Nymphs and Dry Flies every day. The action is steady as long as you target the correct water with the correct technique.
Yesterday I had my buddy Rick out. With the turbidity and rising water we chose to fish the West Branch. We had little daytime action with dry flies but we ran the numbers up a bit on nymph rigs. We easily had more than a dozen nice fish with this technique and overall had a great day. Near dark the river came alive in a big way as sulfurs emerged in heavy numbers.
The photos above and below are the size of most of the fish we took on yesterday's float.

We have some openings now with our guides for guided float trips. If you want to get out for a float trips give us a call. 607-290-4022