Fly Fishing Report for the Upper Delaware and Catskill Rivers

Yesterday we had more rainfall throughout the region. The storms that passed through dropped a good amount of rainfall in some areas. This morning all of our rivers are on the rise again. We are also expecting our first cold front in a while. Tonight the weather is expected to turn much cooler. Over the next four to five days the daytime highs are only expected to rise into the mid 60's. The overnight temperatures are expected to drop into the upper 40's each night. If the weather forecast is on target we can expect the overall trout fishing conditions to improve on all of our local rivers.
Currently our guides are still only fishing the East and West branches of the Delaware for Trout. All of our Smallmouth Bass trips are heading out on the Main Delaware River.
Over the last 2 weeks the Trout fishing has been steady. The action on top has been normal for August with fish rising well both early and late in the day. The afternoon hours offer some sporadic surface feeding but nothing sustained. Olives, Tricos, Isonychia, Sulfurs, Cahills, Midges and Terrestrials are what they are eating.
The Nymph action is very good and it should remain good right through the fall season. Nymph fishing has been the technique which is putting the Trout in the net for our guests. All of our recent trips have produced steady action on our nymph rigs. Small nymphs are still the key to success but times are changing and more larger insects are being observed with each passing day.

We have some openings if you would like to get out for a float trip. The rivers are currently not pressured and most days there are very few anglers on the water.
We are also taking advance booking for the great dry fly fishing in September and October and our flats and Back country fishing in Florida. Give us a call today to plan your next fishing adventure at 607-290-4022