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Fly Fishing Report for the Upper Delaware and Catskill RIvers


Over the last week the cooler weather has had a positive effect on all of our local rivers. At this time the conditions are in transition back to the temperature range where trout will become more aggressive in their feeding habits.

This week there are far more options for us fly fishermen. The water of the Beaverkill, Willlowemoc, Lower East Branch and Main Stem are cooling quickly. They are all in a good range now for Trout to be active. Water temperatures may be a bit sensitive if we get a scorching sunny day but for the most part temps. are good.

Over the last few days our guides have visited some stretches of river that they have not fished since spring. I have first hand reports now from all of the freestone rivers and here is what you can expect in the coming days.

The best action is with nymphs in and around the fastest water. This is where a lot of fish spent the summer and they are still there. The Wild Rainbows will feed aggressively now right through late fall. Every year this time period offers about the best nymph action of the season.

The dry fly activity will improve as the days turn colder. Right now the action is well wort while. The trico fishing is good every morning. The best areas for tricos are in pools with lots of weed beds in the water. The best locations also have low brush and grass along the banks.

The afternoon action is decent at times with olives, spinners and terrestrials on the water.

The late afternoon has been improving quickly. Some areas have been excellent but there is still some unpredictability in the late day activity. The unpredictability is regarding location. The insect activity is in pockets and an area can be bug soup wile 100 yards upstream or down is void. It pays to pick your evening spots based on insects in the air. If there are bugs there will be fish.

In the areas that are hot you can expect to find Olives, Isonychia, Cahils, White Flies, Yellow Drakes, Midges, Caddisflies. There have been some intense spinner flights and all of my recent trips have found fish gorging just before dark time. Fishing Isonychia and Cahill patterns will get you some fish in the faster water. The best bet however is a #16 or #18 hackle spinner. If you are able to fish these on light leaders you will pick off about every riser you find regardless of water type.

I have 2 openings this week, Thursday and Friday are open. If you would like to brush up on your nymphing or learn some new techniques now is a great time to fish. I am currently fishing several different nymphing styles each day. One of the techniques that we have been having the best luck with recently is long line nymphing in the glassy pools. We have been taking some great trout from the weed beds on every trip. Below are some shots of the water we have been targeting

If you want to get out give the shop a call. 607-290-4022 We also have a few openings every day through the weekend with our guide staff.

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