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Fly Fishing Report for the Upper Delaware and Catskill Rivers

Summer in September

The cool weather that had kicked the fishing into high gear was short lived. Over the last several day summer has returned to the mountains. Bright sunny days and mid 80's air temperatures have been with us for a week. This trend is expected to continue for at least a few more days.

This weather combined with lack of any substantial rainfall has all Upper Delaware rivers running very low. There is simply not a lot of water at this time and there none in the forecast.

Late yesterday there was a big spike in the release into the West Branch which has now dropped back to the low 600's. This is good news for this area since the release is double what it has been. Last week the same type of release was run Friday and Saturday.

Regardless of how long the release lasts for the immediate future the West and Upper Main Stem will be the best place to fish for Trout. The only other Option for targeting Trout is the Upper East Branch. The water is cold but running low at 119 cfs, If you choose to fish here bring your "A" Game.

The Beaverkill, Lower Willowemoc, Lower East branch and Lower Main Stem are now a bit warm for Catch and Release Trout fishing. These should be avoided until some rainfall or cooler weatehr occurs.

Over the week we have been mixing it up with our guests. We are going between Trout and Smallmouth Bass. The water temperatures are way up again in the Lower River, (below Callicoon). The popper action is hot again and overall these fish are very aggressive. Both Guide Zach and I had Smallmout trips yesterday and can report great action especially late in the day. In the last few pools of our float almot every cast brought instant violent strikes.

For those who are chasing trout there has been little change to the hatches and what is working.

Subsurface - Generic Bead Heads, Caddis Pupa, Midge Larva, etc. will take fish. Our guides use a lot of custom flies that are spinoffs of the classics and right now the best have been small flashy pheasant tail like creations. #16 to #22 have been best. Isonychia nymphs have also been hot at times.

On the Surface - Isonychia is the best searching pattern. Olives are the staple during hatches. Large October Caddis and Small Dark Caddis are abundant. Flying Ants have been hitting the water in some places.

If you are looking to get out for a float trip in the next month give us a call. 607-290-4022

If you are heading to Roscoe make sure you stop in and check out our new Fly Shop at 47 Stewart Ave. Roscoe's Main Street

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