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Fly Fishing Report for the Upper Delaware and Catskill Rivers

Saturday Update

With the air/water temperatures dropping trout in the upper systems have become more active. The west branch has been fishing good this last week ripping streamers on the banks but yesterday fish were seen and being caught eating off the top. With 1110 CFS out of the Cannonsville the West Branch is running cold and is ideal for feeding trout. The East Branch is still low but has cold water in the upper parts but with the weather change may reduce temps in the lower parts as well. The fishing is good on the east but can be technical due to low flows.

The main stem is also fishing very well with help of the heat ending. We did get a small volume of rain last night but not enough to change the impact of the reservoirs and the rivers.

We expect the Willowemoc and Beaver Kill to have great fishing as of today with the cold front. We are still in need of some rain but with the cold temps the water should stay cool.

Bug activity has changed in the last day with big improvements. Hatches seem to be stronger and early spinner falls have been reported on the system. Depending on where you fish you may see strong hatches of Iso's, Sulfers, Olives, White flies, Ants and Beetles. Keep an eye out for early evening spinner falls.

Our Guides and staff have been doing very well this last week using White/black/olive/coffee colored buggers on the west. Guide Matt has had a very successful week with his clients on the west. Try fishing the banks and seams with different striping speeds depending on waters depth and speed. We have also been doing very well on the main nymphing. Guide Zach and the Captain have been fishing Pheasant tails or Copper Johns in 8-24 inches of water using a very short leash from the indicator. Don't be afraid to leave your nymph 10-20 inches below the indicator in the fast waters and inside rolling seams.

This weekend we expect to see trout eating off the top more. If you plan on nymphing try a FB Pheasant tail or BH Iso with a bead head size 14-16 and below it 8-12 inches try a smaller Caddis pupa or copper john 18-22.

If you would like to get out for a trips give us a call today. 607-290-4022

If you are in Roscoe make sure you stop in and see our new fly shop. We are now on Stewart Ave. Roscoe's Main Street. We are right next to the Pharmacy and across from the towns big parking lot..

Tags: Fly Fishing Guides, Fly Fishing Guides, Fishing Guide Catlskills, Upper Delaware Fly Fishing, Fly Fishing Upper Delaware

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