Fly Fishing Report for the Upper Delaware and Catskill Rivers
This morning we have light rain falling. First time in a while and we really need it!

Our guides were very busy over the weekend. Everyone was out on the water and we covered a lot of river miles.
Normally I will make a statement to the quality of fishing , hot, good, fair etc, The current situation falls outside that assessment model. I would characterize the current fishing as different. There are so many different things happening at once. Low water in the freestones, High water on the West, Yo-Yo release changes, etc. Every day is different. The only thing that will stabilize things would be a heavy soaking rainfall and cooler weather.
With that said there is great fishing to be had, if you are a worker. Right now you can string a great day of catching together if you vary techniques and cover lots of area. This is what our guides do and this is the main reason for our current success.
At this time our guides are making sure our guest are fishing the proper water and switching often between Dry, Nymph and Streamer rods. We are currently spending lots of time in the Delaware's shallow riffles fishing a combination of High Stick, indicator and long line nymphing techniques. There is some great video of some shallow water nymphing here -
Over the last week most all of our trips have been great! Some days we have been running the numbers up. Yesterday was one of those days as we could do no wrong under heavily overcast skies. The fish were on the nymphs in a big way and there were several great periods of surface feeding during our float. We had lots of mid sized Rainbows on surface flies.
We have also been taking some impressive fish as well. Recently Dr. Bob took this beautiful specimen of Wild Bow from the Main Stem. Yesterday we took him again under completely different river conditions. Catch and Release WORKS.

Here are some additional shots from the weekend

AS we progress to cooler weather the fishing will continue to improve. Once the Blue WIng Olive hatches establish we will have several hours of sustained surface feeding each day. Our reports will keep you up to speed on how this action progresses.
If you would like to get out for a trip give us a call WE have openings and expect to see good conditions through at least mid November.
We are also booking winter getaway trips to fish Tampa Bay in Florida. Give us a call today to talk fishing. 607-290-4022