Fly FIshing Report for the Upper Delaware and Catskill Rivers
BWO Weather in the Forecast

Here is one of Dr. Bob's many WIld Bows from over the weekend. ALl of our guides were on the Main Delaware this weekenn chasing these beautiful fish.
It looks like some nasty fall weather is finally in the forecast. Starting tomorrow we are expecting to have some rainfall move into the region which should be followed by much cooler air temperatures.
We are finally in line for some substantial rainfall as 1 to 2 inches are possible for Tuesday. If this report becomes reality then our low water conditions will be gone for the remainder of the season. The weather change should also finally make the cold weather Blue Wing Olive hatches a reliable daily occurrence rather than a guessing game.
We will make sure to update this report and our Facebook site as the conditions change.
Over the weekend all of our guides were on the water. The action remains steady on nymphs but the dry fly action is behind schedule. We have been taking some surface feeding trout most every day but you have to look pretty hard for heads and be patient with them. Yesterday we had lighter winds and I was able to find large mature Rainbows feeding in full sun in the middle of the day in several of the big slow eddies on the lower Main Stem. Olives and Midges were the insects on the water.
Small nymphs that resemble the tiny BWO'S are running up the numbers if you are tuned into the correct locations. Here is the Key. Fish in slower riffles and runs with knee deep water. The knee deep water needs to have smooth bottom cobble. (Like Eggs) If this cobble is loose and movable even better. The tiny Olive nymphs are most everywhere in the river system but this is the top quality habitat where they really thrive. Most of the rivers rainbows have moved to these areas or to the dead slow pools right below these riffles.
In the slower water it is best to downsize the hardware in your nymph rigs. Right now I am rigging about 12 foot leaders with 5X and 6X tippet. Right now #16 - #20 flies are the key. IN the slower water I like to use either the adhesive Palsa Type indicators or the white river indicator in 3/8" or 1/2". The fly patterns should be some variation of nymph that looks like a pheasant tail.
Currently all of our local rivers are low except the Main Stem and West Branch.
Our guides will be taking bookings for another month. The uPper Delaware should have good action for at least that long. We are also taking bookings with Guide Zach and Matt for Salmon River and tributaries and with Ken for flats fishing.
Give us a call today 607-290-4022