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Fly FIshing Report for the Upper DelaWare and Catskill Rivers


It took until November but the Blue WIng Olives and some colder weather are finally here. I have still been on the river every day with guest and can finally report reliable olive hatches every day. Over the last week it has been reliable but the start time has been fluctuating a bit.

Recently I have had guests fish the olive hatch for duration's that ranged from the entire day to a 2 hour period. Most days however it has lasted from around 1:00 pm until dark.

Remember that most all of the trout have moved to the slowest places in the river. If you want to fish risers spend you time searching the tailouts of the bigger pools.

If you have never fished the late season Olives it is an amazing site. The Trout feed with an urgency, they know tough times are coming. Now is also the BEST time of year to get a crack at huge Wild Rainbows on the surface. This week we have had quite a few big "Bows" that measured past the 20" mark.

There is also a decent streamer bite at times.The Browns that are moving about are pre-spawn and pretty aggressive. Sme of our guests have had some nice Big Browns on recent trips..

Our guides plan on offering trips through the end of November on the Upper Delaware Waters and through December on the Lake Ontario Tributaries. If you would like to get out give us a call.

I will be heading to Florida on the 15th. and will begin guiding there right away. I am fully booked through the end of November in Florida but if you want to get away for some flats fishing I have open dates starting December 1.

Call us today at 607-290-4022

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