Upper Delaware Fishing Report

Things are finally starting to get moving in the Upper Delaware watershed. The warmer weather over the last few days and especially the warmer nights have been the deciding factor. Yesterday I managed to get a few afternoon hours on the river and noticed a marked improvement over the prior few days. The bugs (quill gordans, blue quills, caddis and stone flies) were the heaviest ive seen so far this year. It wasn't a blanket hatch, but at this point id say that's not far off. We also finally managed to land a fish on a dry (quill gordan knock down dun). Right now your only shot at rising fish is going to be in really slow water in areas that concentrates bugs. Look for the most surface activity later in the afternoon. The streamer bite was improved, we had a bunch of eats and chases in a two hour period but only managed to land one.
Yesterday saw some rain and the flows are up a bit, the rivers are already on the way back down. Unfortunately wade anglers dont have many options at the moment. Staying really close to the dams, or small streams would probably be the best bet. Boat anglers basically have unlimited access right now. We do have some prime time openings available, and with the high flows taking a float trip is a great option. I currently have may 4th, 10th and 15th open if anyone is interested..

In other news, New York and Pennsylvania are taking part in a joint fisheries study on the Upper Delaware. There are 3 full time "creel agents" who will be surveying anglers. Electroshocking and redd counting will also be part of the study. We understand that no one wants to be questioned while in the middle of fishing, but take the 2 mins and be cooperative with the guys and ladies taking the survey, its important. You get what you put into these studies, the more data we can get to these biologist the better off we are. Look for someone to do a more detailed write up on the study in the future.