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Fly Fishing Report for the Upper Delaware and Catskill Rivers

Our guides are now back to being on the river every day. With the current high water conditions we are working the non hatch periods hard with streamer flies. We are also timing the floats to be in areas of slow water when the bugs appear each afternoon. This approach is getting our guests some nice fish but neither the dry fly nor streamer fishing is hot yet. Right now you have to work for your opportunities.

The photo is from Guide Chris during the One Bug Tournament

The action is about to change as 70 degree weather is forecast for mid week. The Trout's metabolism will rise right along with the water temps. The warmer weather should also coincide with the river flows dropping into more fishable ranges. Overall things are looking good for some big action with Quill Gordons and Hendricksons next weekend.

This week most of the risers we have found have been pretty easy to approach and fool. There have been a few fish that were showing some selectivity but a quick change to the smaller blue quills got the job done. Right now anglers should have Blue Quills, Quill Gordons and Hendricksons in their boxes. My number one go to fly is the knock down dun. The early season hatches have a high mortality rate and big numbers of cripples. The CDC Knock Down Dun is a dead ringer for these defective insects. Hackle Wing cripples, spinners and parachute duns are also good choices as they sit low in the water and give the illusion of being vulnerable.

This week the bugs have been getting going around 2:00 pm with Blue Quills appearing first. The bigger Quill Gordons and Hendricksons have been much later with the best action around 4:00 to 6:00 pm. There have been enough insects emerging recently that we should begin to see spinners in the coming days. Once this activity gets going the action will last till dark.

At this time the best action is in the East and West branches. These rivers have premium habitat for the early season insects. Anglers planning to fish should look for the best action in the slowest sections and in the tailouts of the bigger eddies. Many of the fish we have been finding have been tight to the banks on the slower sides of the river. Even if there are less bugs the fish need to be in an area where they can feed efficiently. Many times early season success is dependent on finding areas where feeding is possible.

If you have been waiting for the right conditions now is the time to make some plans. Give us a call to book a float trip and get in on the Hendo's. 607-290-4022

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