Fly Fishing Report for the Upper Delaware and Catskill Rivers

Weekend Outlook
For the last 3 weeks wet rainy weather has had a grip on the Upper Delaware and Catskill Regions. This morning it is not really surprising that rain is falling again. Rain is expected to continue on and off through today before it clears up for the weekend.
The fishing is still red hot! Over the last few weeks our guide staff has been running hard. Our guests have been taking some amazing Brown Trout on big Streamer Flies.

Now the details - Right now every bit of water in the Upper Delaware region is very high. It is so high in most places that our guides have been taking their Smallmouth Bass trips to local lakes and ponds. Here are some photos from the ponds

Our Trout trips have been in the East and West branches and the high water has been great.

For the next few days the best opportunity for quality fishing will be from Drift Boats. We have one trip opening for Saturday and 2 for Sunday if you want to get in on the Hunt for Giant Browns.
As of right now there is some possibility to fish from shore in the Beaverkill River and Willowemoc Creek. Both are very high but if they don't continue to rise they will be fishable over the weekend. Our other rivers are far too high and dangerous at this time for wade fishing,
Below are the numbers - These numbers also indicate that most of the rainfall has been West of Roscoe in Delaware and Broome Counties.
Beaverkill - 991 cfs.
Upper East Branch- 2630 cfs.
West Branch- 2170 cfs.
Lower East Branch- 4610 cfs.
Main Stem- 8630 cfs.
Right now the most productive technique is chucking big streamers. In the super high waters it is best to challenge the Trout for territory rather than try to feed him at this time. 6" to 8" flies with rear hooks are the ticket right now. Color choice should match the situation. In heavily turbid water I go dark in clear water light. It is best to have the big flies in Black, Olive, Brown, Grey, Yellow, and White. White has been hot in the high clear water.
Many of you who have fished streamer flies with me know that I rarely fish just one fly. Recently One large Baitfish with a Smaller 3" to 4" one on a dropper has been effective.
With the waters as high as they are success depends on hitting along the banks. 2 feet out is no good. Right against the bank or vegetation is imperative. People always ask me how far to strip the flies back on each cast. This varies on where you are. If there is a distinct slick the trout will normally follow right to the seam of the faster water before slamming it. In water that has consistent flows a good rule is about half way back. If you are probing back waters and dead eddies, all the way to the boat is best. In the dead water I have had them hit right at the end of the rod.
During all of this high water insect life has remained steady. I have had some rainy days recently where the entire surface of the water was covered with small Blue Wing Olives. Sulfurs, Cahills, Isonychia and Terrestrials are also on the water.
On all of our recent trips there have been fish rising. The risers however are holding up in the slowest water possible. Wading to risers is out of the question until flows drop. The action has been in eddies and coves along the bank. These spots will have mostly solitary fish or small groups. There have been some pods of fish going to town during periods of heavy insect activity. The only place I have been seeing pods has been in the tail outs of the slowest pools and in the down stream lees behind small islands. There are some areas where groups of small grass islands created braids. These have been hot spots.
During the high water the fish have not been very fussy to fly or presentation. If you find a riser you can most likely fool him.
Call us today to get in on the hot streamer action at 607-290-4022.
We are also now taking advance bookings for fishing the prime dry fly hatches of autumn. Our guides will be drifting the Upper Delaware through November.
We are also now booking Tampa Bay Flats and Back Country fishing. We will be starrting charters in Tampa Bay in early November which is a hot action time. All of November and early December there is great Fly action chasing schools of baitfish for Spanish Mackerel, Bonita, Jack Crevales, Bluefish, and Ladyfish. Call us today to discuss this great winter fishery