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Upper Delaware River Fly Fishing Report

A nice Delaware Rainbow from yesterday. Ate a Hendrickson Cripple


Yesterday we had every one of our guides out on the water with guests. The fishing continues to be good in most places with a good streamer bite and dry fly action all afternoon. Look for some cool photos after the weekend.

Yesterday we had light showers on and off until right around 6:00pm when the sky opened up and tried to drown us. This storm moved the river flows back up pretty quickly. As is always the case the freestones were most effected. The Beaverkill, WIllowemoc, Lower East and Main Stem are up this morning. All of them have already crested and now have falling water. For the next day or so bank fishing only is recommended on these waters.

This mornings flows

The other local rivers are up but no too bad. Drift boat fishing should remain good and we do not expect much change. Our trips will continue as scheduled.

We are expecting a cold front to push through for the next 48 hours. Anglers floating with us or heading out on foot should dress warm.

Another on our cripple pattern

A big Streamer Eater from Guide Zach's float yesterday

Now is the time to get in on the Hendrickson action. Call us today to book a float trip, 607-290-4022

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