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Upper Delaware River Fly Fishing Report


The dry fly fishing is excellent! Yesterday the Apple Caddis emerged by the millions to join the Hendrickson's in blanketing our local rivers. Our guides were spread around the system yesterday and all reports are that the incredible insect activity was everywhere.

If you are planning to fish this weekend Apple Caddis, Hendrickson's and Spinners should be the patterns you stock up on. Streamers are the best option for the non hatch period but there is not much non hatch time in the afternoon.

There is a chance of some passing showers today but no heavy rain is expected. The forecast is for 1/10 of an inch which will have little effect on area rivers.

This weekend anglers will find the Beaverkill and Willowemoc to be in good conditions for wading. The water is high and cold but plenty fishable. Guide Luc walked both rivers yesterday and found plenty of willing fish. Bug life is good in the afternoon. Streamers and Nymphs are also viable methods at current flows.

Confident, strong waders will be able to find some opportunity in the Upper East. Wade access will however be limited to the shallows, tailouts and slowest pools. This should not discourage you since this is exactly where the fish are.

The rest of the system, East Branch, West Branch Lower East, Main Stem remain the domain of Drift Boaters. This water is still running high.

Drift boat anglers are now enjoying some of the best and easiest dry fly fishing that the Upper Delaware can offer. Yesterday I had millions of bugs on the water and pods of rising fish that were gorging on the accumulated dead and crippled bugs that covered the rivers entire surface.

In these instances the trout will not move very far to eat so casting accuracy is super important. The fly needs to float directly into the fishes vision from exactly where the naturals are coming from. If you fish a CDC Knock Down Dun or one of our Hackle Cripples the Trout will choose your fly over the naturals regularly. Yesterday almost every fish we worked ate!

We can expect the Apple Caddis to work it's way through the system now. The activity will be heavy for several days in each location before heading further up river. Sometimes the Delaware's Wild Rainbows will key in on this species. I like CDC Wing Caddis Cripples and Iris Caddis patterns to imitate the spent insects. Yesterday I found several pods of smaller Bow's, (12" to 14") that were blowing up shallow riffles feeding on the caddis storm.

The Hendrickson activity remains strong. We can expect to see the emergence continue with heavy spinner activity on afternoons that are pleasant. There was heavy spinner activity where I fished yesterday.

Now is the time to get out there. Give us a call today to book your next trip 607-290-4022

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