Upper Delaware River Fly Fishing Report

A big brown taken with guide Matt Hackett
The Good Dry Fly Action Continues!
I have not posted in a few days. We've been very busy with group trips heading out and my morning time has been limited.
Since my last report not much has changed other than the sun came out a bit and the river flows are falling. The Hendrickson Hatch is on in most areas of the system and the trout are feeding every day. Our guides have been netting some impressive trout for our guests.
The shots below are from guide Rich McCombie's trips

The forecast for the next 5 days looks typical for the mountains. There is a chance of sun, clouds and rain. No major rain is predicted at this time. The fishing has been best during the overcast, light rain conditions.
The river flows are now getting to a good place. There is lots of water that is now wadable and very light angling pressure in most places. I have been on the water every day lately and have only encountered 2 or 3 wade anglers. The only place getting hit hard is the Upper West branch but that is normal and expected.
Currently there is good foot access to the Willowemoc, Beaverkill and Upper East Branch. Anglers will have no problem reaching the rising trout on these rivers. The West Branch and Main Stem continue to have limited wade access due to high water. The Beamoc water have seen very light pressure so far this season.
today's flows

If you plan on getting out Hendrickson's, Apple Caddis and Spinners are the patterns you need to have for the surface activity.
If you are planning to nymph Caddis Pupae, Cased Caddis, Pheasant Tails, and Hendrickson nymphs are the way to go. Our Ice Caddis is a killer right now.
If you are hunting with streamers you need to be patient now. The water is crystal clear so smaller sizes will work best. Small articulated flies, leeches, buggers etc. The deep holes are the best locations to target at this time.
Here are the recent trends.
We are seeing the first sunny days in a long time now and it has been a shock to the fish. On sunny days the action has been way later than normal. The last 2 days the best action has been after 5:00pm and the fish have been feeding until dark. On overcast days the fish have been starting to feed around 1:00pm. The best hendrickson action has been in the tailwaters. The Upper East and West have the most reliable bugs.
Spinner activity has been heavy during the sunny periods.
With the water clarity and dropping flows the fish are getting tougher, especially on the West Branch. Longer leaders and perfect drifts are necessary on many fish. Knock Down Duns, Cripples, and Hackle Wing Spinners are the best fly choices.
The lower flows and recent heavy spinner activity have the fish spreading out now. The slow pools and tailouts are still the prime spots but you have to look everywhere now. The fish are now moving around and I have even been finding a few up at the heads of pools and in the riffles. This spreading out activity will continue now as additional insect species begin to emerge.
Here are a few more shots of fish from this week.
Guide Marty with a great brown

Another from guide Matt Hackett

Two for Joe Cusato who fished with me on Monday

For those of you who like to nymph your time is coming. The rivers are nearly right for getting to the best nymphing waters. This season our guides have nymphed the Willowemoc and Beaverkill a bit but not the big water.
I plan on putting my 10 foot rods in the boat today and fishing nymphs rather than streamers during the non hatch periods. I will give a more detailed report on the topic after a trip or two.
If you want to get out for a float trip now is the time to give us a call. Our guides are dialed in on the action. Call Today 607-290-4022