Fishing Report for the Upper Delaware and Catskill Rivers

Summer Conditions
We are now at the half way point of our summer conditions. There are lots of options for fishing our area at this time. Our guides have been very busy taking people fishing for a variety of species.
Over the past few days we have had guests out for Trout both day and night. We have also put a few trips out each day for Smallmouth Bass and Carp.
Yesterday Guides Zach Anderson and Chris Dever took a group to the Main Stem for some Smallie action. Everyone caught a bunch!

Guides Matt, Chris, and Rich did some night fishing for Trout. The action is pretty good and our guests have taking some nice Brown Trout. The photo below is Aiden Cornwell with a beautiful Delaware Brown Trout.

I have been mixing it up between Trout and Warm water. Over the weekend Dr. Bob and I had a bunch of good sized Smallies and he continued his hot streak with the Carp!

For a complete report of the fishery and the specifics on location and insect hatches please read my post from last Thursday. The information is still relevant
Now is the time for some fun fishing. Give us a call today to plan a custom warm water adventure or mix it up with a Bass / Trout combo trip.
Call us today 607-290-4022