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Weekend Outlook for Fly Fishing the Upper Delaware and Catskill Rivers

This week the fishing in the Upper Delaware continues to improve. Some cool nights and some grey days have improved both Trout and Insect activity.

All of our guides have been busy this week. We have had Trips on the water daily both day and night. Over the last few days our guides have fished about every river in the system.

Nymphing is still the best bet for most of the day. Streamers are taking fish early and late in the day. Dry fly action is when you find it but we have been finding pretty regularly lately.

Right now the best action remains on the West Branch, East Branch and Upper Main Stem. This is where the coldest water is. The West and Main Stem have the best overall conditions. All of the other rivers are fishing at low water conditions. Almost everywhere in the system the water is gin clear except the West and Main Stem which are slightly tinged.

Anglers planning to fish in the coming days will have some options. Tight line and indicator nymphing will produce if you stay in the riffles and the transitions to deeper water. BH nymphs are the ticket. Isonychis, Zug Bugs, Soft Hackles and Pheasant Tails will keep the rod bent.

Streamers have been taking some nice fish for our guests. I have been playing it basic lately. Not too big and not too flashy. Simple leeches, buggers, zonkers in natural colors are working best.

On the surface the action has been Tricos in the mornings. Mixed insects are about during the mid day with occasional rising activity. Terrestrials especially flying ants, small mayflies (olives, sulfurs) and midges. In the afternoon to evening some larger insects are about. Isonychia and Cahills really stand out on the water. The sulfurs and olives are more prominent late day. This is when the most reliable feeding activity has been occurring. My guests have had steady takes this week on ants, Isonychia cripples and sulfur cripples. We have also been able to entice a few nice Rainbows blind fishing the water with Isonychia patterns.

Our fly shop is now open daily in Roscoe. If you are heading to the river stop by for the essentials and spot specific river info.

Now is the time to book your fall fishing trip. Give us a call today 607-290-4022

Below are some photos from guide Matthias Hacketts trips this week. Matt has been doing both day and night trips and putting guests on some nice ones!



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